6:30a: attempt to wake up
6:47a: actually wake up
6:48-8:10a: eat eggs, drink coffee, try to dress casually hip with appropriate accessories
8:11a: depart Eugene with two class mates to produce a documentary
8:19a: realize that I forgot cookies I made the night before for participants. Shit. Can't turn around.
9:55: stop at grocery store to buy cookies to give participants
10:30a: arrive at North early, first time I've ever arrived early to anything ever. Well done. Proceed to wait for 15 minutes for Dave Allen, director of insights and digital media, to get out of meeting. Arrived too early. Looked at books.
10:45-11:20a: tour of North, led by Dave. Screwed around with camera and sound system of video devices.
11:21-2p: filmed interviews with the interesting people of North and learned about what inspired them. Tried to bribe with cookies. Were willing to work for no cookies. Played with dogs. Kept asking Mark Ray, chief creative, to be filmed (not knowing it was Mark Ray), consistently denied, sorry Mark.
2:01-2:10p: did a happy dance about amazing people we met at North. Packed up camera gear. Drove to Wieden and Kennedy.
2:10p: met Darcie Burrell, copy writer, and Nicole Karalekas, non traditional creative, in lobby next to a giant wooden Beaver (the animal, not the other kind)
2:21-2:p: took in the people and dogs of WK and screwed around with camera equipment again
2:21-2:p: took in the people and dogs of WK and screwed around with camera equipment again
2:01-4p: talked to the folks of WK about what inspired them, looked at more dogs
4:01-9:30p: packed up, wished we didn't have to leave, procrastinated leaving, walked around Portland, actually left
9:31p: arrived back in Eugene, wished we lived in Portland
The goal of this trip was to find out what ad folks' 'other' is and how it affected how/if they got their job. Someone's 'other' is anything, job/hobby/interest, that is not related to advertising. Wow, did we get some fabulously exotic answers! The end result will be a short documentary that we will share with you and hope that you will share with your closest 1,000 friends on twitter, facebook, youtube, blogs, really whatever you want, as long as it truly inspired you. The film will be released on December 6th. Get ready!
4:01-9:30p: packed up, wished we didn't have to leave, procrastinated leaving, walked around Portland, actually left
9:31p: arrived back in Eugene, wished we lived in Portland
The goal of this trip was to find out what ad folks' 'other' is and how it affected how/if they got their job. Someone's 'other' is anything, job/hobby/interest, that is not related to advertising. Wow, did we get some fabulously exotic answers! The end result will be a short documentary that we will share with you and hope that you will share with your closest 1,000 friends on twitter, facebook, youtube, blogs, really whatever you want, as long as it truly inspired you. The film will be released on December 6th. Get ready!
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