
Jul 10, 2013

First things first. David Sedaris x App.

I was unaware that David Sedaris, my all time favorite author, had an app until today. About a year ago I was able to meet him in person after a reading and he handed me a few bookmarks. Each one featured a close-up of a mouth filled with rotting and missing teeth. If you ever read (or listened to all of his books on tape like me) his books then you'd know that he has bad teeth and he loves London (I believe) because of the country's collectively bad mouth hygiene.  

Apparently I've been too busy looking at the teeth to notice the QR code on the back of the bookmark leading me to his app. So, first things first, today I'm getting the David's Diary App and watching all of the short films within it. The films are narrated by him and animated with bold colors and scrap paper. It's a must. 

Here's a sneak peak.

Jul 8, 2013

Ice Cube Celebrates the Eames.

Before you start up about how you've already seen this, let me just say: Watch it again. I know it's practically antique, what with being published a year ago and all, but it's just so spectacular. 

This short spot was created to celebrate what makes LA great; in particular the form of the city and its monuments. With that in mind, the obvious choice is to focus on two of the best designers of all time: Charles and Ray Eames. The beauty of the film is only enhanced by the comedic timing and person that is Ice Cube. 

Jul 2, 2013

Southern Comfort x Shampoo.

Wieden and Kennedy dropped their latest Southern Comfort spot three weeks ago and it is again, brilliant. This follows WK's recent "Beach" ad featuring the man in the Speedo slowly walking down the beach. Check out what my new place of employment, OKRP, said about that spot here. The brilliance lies within the slow reveal of the drink and the long shots. The "Beach" man is again featured here, wearing snakeskin boots and sipping on So Co while getting his hair gently shampooed. 

Jul 1, 2013

Fantastic Four Minutes.

While poking around on Baldwin&'s website, I stumbled upon this gem which was created by Laura Sicouri and Kadavre Exquis. Watch it. Enjoy it. It's four minutes of pure imagination.