
Oct 6, 2011

3. Branding Brian

     We, as ad students, are generally told to think of ourselves as a brand and to build work around what we, as individual brands, want to represent.  "Make yourself indispensable" is a popular demand, usually accompanied by "Show evidence of your skills" and "Always work beyond obligation." One group of BBH interns accomplished exactly those things. Their intern program, BBHbarn, asked six interns to participate in an experimental program with the objective to make one thing famous in only six weeks with a measly $1,000 budget.
     The group decided to make Brian, one of the interns, famous. They created a campaign to get newly single Brian a date by launching a website called Dating Brian and utilizing social media platforms like facebook and twitter. Engaging their audience played a huge role in their success. People from around the world tuned in and were able to choose everything about Brian's dates, from what he wore to where they went. Everything was recorded and posted to the website and YouTube.
     He went through 30 dates in 30 consecutive days and became famous. The team elegantly branded Brian and his journey was talked about on multiple news channels, blogs including Mashable, and NPR. The YouTube channel gained over 70,000 views, 68,000 website hits from around the world in 135 countries.
Well done. Dating Brian=Brand.

    The site provided evidence of Brian's skills, a lovely, cute, creative, smart Wisconsinite, who will work beyond obligation to get a date. To the thirty dates he went out with Brian was indispensable (hopefully). The group of interns were able to make their skills evident with website design, successful user experience, marketing, planning, production, and creativity.

Dating Brian from Brian Moore on Vimeo.

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