The printer remains at your house, connected to the web, and you may choose which daily tid-bits you want printed and waiting when you get home. You may print as many times as you like by pressing a button on your smart phone, or you may set it to print automatically once or twice per day. You can add any news you like; where your friends have been via Foursquare, how far you ran with Nike+, puzzles, or the world news with The Guardian.
Why I love it:
1. It's cute and tiny. People love things that are cute and tiny (kittens, puppies, babies).
2. It doesn't use ink! The tiny thermal printer uses heat to transfer an impression onto the specially coated paper.
3. It's physical. As much as I like looking into my computer screen, iPod screen or iPhone screen until my eyes are bloodshot, it may be nice to carry around my favorite notes, achievements and ideas of the day.
4. It works with the cloud system, which is where everything is headed anyway, but I love that I don't need to carry the printer around or remember to print when I get home, everything is done for me!
5. It's cute and tiny. Really, I can't emphasize this enough.
Well done BERG.